Fireman's Park Bandshell

Fireman's Park Bandshell was completed in the summer of 2018. The Fireman's Park redesign was part of long term planning by the Village to include many improvements to it. A popular vote between three options for Park redesign had been held by the residents of DeForest. The redesign included not only the bandshell, but a park shelter with concession area and year around community room, an ADA inclusive play equipment and basketball courts. Stevenson Street was also narrowed.
Ayres and Associates was the lead consultant. The bandshell itself comes from Reese Recreation Products and is manufactured through Poligon structures (similar to the Greenfield AMP Konkel Park Amphitheater). The cost was $250,000 and was funded by the Village. Also the community was encouraged to help fund the Park through sponsorship opportunities.
The bandshell sits across from the community room and shelter; between them is a a small berm which was created to allow the audience to sit upon and easily view the entertainment in the bandshell. The back of the shell has three metal cutouts which are also replicated at the community room. The curved copper roof is held by staves, reminiscent of the Norwegian culture of DeForest.
Ayres and Associates was the lead consultant. The bandshell itself comes from Reese Recreation Products and is manufactured through Poligon structures (similar to the Greenfield AMP Konkel Park Amphitheater). The cost was $250,000 and was funded by the Village. Also the community was encouraged to help fund the Park through sponsorship opportunities.
The bandshell sits across from the community room and shelter; between them is a a small berm which was created to allow the audience to sit upon and easily view the entertainment in the bandshell. The back of the shell has three metal cutouts which are also replicated at the community room. The curved copper roof is held by staves, reminiscent of the Norwegian culture of DeForest.
The Village plans the concerts and movies (see page 6) for each summer season.
The bandshell may be used for weddings and other events also.
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