City Park West Bandstand
In the 1920s, Helen Benishek-Tradewell designed City Park West along with the charming bandstand that is there. Ms. Benishek-Tradewell grew up in Antigo, studied landscape archithecture at UW-Madison, and then returned home. She is possibly the first female landscape architect in Wisconsin. This four-sided rectangular bandstand structure has a raised plantform/stage with white fencing around the stage area; the detailed wooden stave features at the top of each column and the rooftop design is reminiscent of a Scandinavian style.
In 2008, the bandstands underwent a renovation designed by Mudrovich of Wausau, WI. During the renovation, new wide steps were installed with updated landscaping surrounding the bandstand. Commemorative bricks engraved with donors' names and their messages were placed on the bandstand stage. An accessible ramp was included at this time. In 2011, additional ADA walkways were completed in the Park, and in 2013/14 railings on the south stairs were added. Volunteers assist with the landscaping and maintenance.
In 2008, the bandstands underwent a renovation designed by Mudrovich of Wausau, WI. During the renovation, new wide steps were installed with updated landscaping surrounding the bandstand. Commemorative bricks engraved with donors' names and their messages were placed on the bandstand stage. An accessible ramp was included at this time. In 2011, additional ADA walkways were completed in the Park, and in 2013/14 railings on the south stairs were added. Volunteers assist with the landscaping and maintenance.

At the site, there are two plaques honoring Jim "JT" Trout and Josef "JB" Bauschka. JB was the Antigo High School Band Director from 1929 to sometime in the 1960s; JT became Band Director until the early 2000s. The original bandstand is dedicated to JB and the new performance stage to JT.
Every summer, "Music in the Park" is held on Monday and Thursday evenings starting in early June through August.
Various musical bands are featured.
Other events include weddings, church services, and it is used as a backdrop for photo opportunities.
Various musical bands are featured.
Other events include weddings, church services, and it is used as a backdrop for photo opportunities.
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