Black River Falls
The Community Bandshell at Lunda Park

After several years of planning and then construction, the Community Bandshell at Lunda Park was dedicated on June 8, 2004. Planning started in 2002 when the Black River Falls Community Band believed there was a need for a permanent place to play music instead of erecting portable stages time after time. It invited other groups to join them to look into this venture. A committee was formed, and "voila", after much work, the Bandshell was built. The Black River Falls Community Band website offers wonderful details of the development of it.
The architect/designer was Ayres and Associates. The cost was $140,000 and was funded by a generous donation from the Peter and Joan Hoffman family and other businesses along with donations from local residents. No changes have occurred since it was built.

Free concerts have been successful right from the beginning.
Tuesdays in the Bandshell at Lunda Park offer performances
by the Black River Falls Community Band along
with other musical groups.
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